Let’s Talk About the Weather

Thinking of a summer stay in La Quinta? For vacationers, popular opinion often steers visitors towards the coast, but with so many ways to beat the heat, the desert can be an excellent option.

La Quinta Days | Summer Stay | Let's Talk About the Weather|Woman In Spa Tub With Sunglasses

If you just want to relax, avoid crowds and also stick to your hotel budget, La Quinta and the surrounding valley will not disappoint. We are talking serious relaxation here. Summer in the desert is no time for hiking and experiencing the heat in the great outdoors. It’s the time to enjoy spa pampering, pools, food, nightlife, incredible sunsets and mountain vistas. With a little knowledge and some good planning you’ll be surprised at how refreshing a summer getaway to La Quinta can be.

La Quinta Days|Cocktails | Let's Talk About Weather

We’ve learned that summer weather in the desert is all about extreme temperatures.

However, average temps in La Quinta seldom dip below 45 or rise above 112.

The sun will always be shining.

La Quinta Days |Summer Stay | Let's Talk About The Weather | Thermometer |106 Degrees

Did we just say 112 degrees? Yes, but a dry (19% humidity) 112 degrees is so much easier than a sticky (80% humidity) 85 degrees. It’s crazy how true this is. Year round, La Quinta averages 75 degrees. But that's a distant memory when the temps are pushing 115 in mid summer. As spring winds down and summer approaches, heat ramps up late May through June. July wins the hot race with average highs of 108 degrees and lows rarely below 77. Summers are seeing rises in those temps though, and it’s important to know that temperatures of 115 for a few days in a row are getting more common. August starts the gradual decline in sweltering heat staying closer to 106 highs and 70's lows, and October opens the door to mild temperatures.

Honestly, in a pool with a little breeze it always feels like 80 degrees.

La Quinta Days | Let's Talk About The Weather | Pool and Palm Trees at Sunset

From the perfection of a relaxing pool it’s easy to forget that in the desert, extreme weather does happen.

Have you ever experienced a haboob? It's not great. In October 2022 La Quinta had a pretty significant Haboob. If the name sounds unfamiliar, it basically means a really big sand storm for about 30 minutes. What an experience! Think: Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol sandstorm wall. A little less drama, but it is remarkable. Once is enough - but we still kind of enjoyed it.

Photo Courtesy of Getty Images

Does it rain? Not much. It is the desert, after all. The average summer rainfall in La Quinta is 0 inches.

When it does come in the fall and winter months, it rains A LOT. Mostly all at once.

So pack your knowledge and the lightest clothes you own and enjoy your summer in the desert!


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